Devotee Care

Devotee Care Fest

Come join us for an incredible day of devotion and care at the Devotee Care Fest! This exciting event will take place at the beautiful Sri Krishna Haveli Bhaktivedanta Manor.

On Saturday, 25th November 2023, starting at 15:30, we will gather together to celebrate our shared love for Krishna and deepen our understanding of devotee care.

Throughout the fest, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in engaging workshops, enlightening talks, and interactive sessions. Learn about wonderful initiatives of support available to you to enhance your devotional practice and strengthen your connection with the divine.

Discover new insights, make meaningful connections, and immerse yourself in the uplifting atmosphere of devotion. Whether you are a seasoned devotee or just starting your spiritual journey, the Devotee Care Fest welcomes everyone with open arms.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to nurture your spiritual growth and deepen your understanding of devotee care. Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable day of love, knowledge, and devotion!

Come be inspired by the vastness of devotee care and the many wonderful initiatives of support available for you.

Benefit from FREE access to:

– Health screenings

– Dental checks

– Mental health screenings

– Advice on a range of health issues

– Specialist advice on neuro-diverse conditions in children

– End of life care support

Plus scheduled:

– Yoga sessions

– Interactive children’s area

– TED-style talks on important health related topics

Finally learn about all the wonderful initiatives of support available to you in our stalls!

And no event is complete without some delicious and healthy prasadam!

Date: Saturday 25th Nov

3:30pm – event opens

5pm – prasadam

6:30pm – spiritually enlivening evening programme (including kirtan & drama)

8:30pm – event closes

Book Your tickets

A beacon of devotee care

Welcome to the Devotee Care Office (DCO) at Bhaktivedanta Manor. We are part of a global initiative to ensure that devotees in our community are spiritually happy, materially well-situated and positively identifying with ISKCON as a caring society.

Bhaktivedanta Manor’s vision is:

“We are a beacon of devotee care in the UK and the world.”

To this end in January 2023 a Devotee Care Office (DCO) was established to primarily focus on three areas:

1) Education – through the systematic delivery of the Devotee Care courses

2) Networking – creating connections and a directory between caregivers and recipients of care.

3) Showcasing – best practice Devotee Care projects and learnings – with the wider ISKCON community for the purposes of sharing and inspiring one another.

The Devotee Care Course (Embedding Care into Krishna Conscious Communities) describes a Spectrum of Care which includes 12 Areas of Care and 12 Recipients of Care. These are in no way exhaustive, but a powerful compass for directing the implementation of this important initiative.

Get in touch

Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with you

    The 12 areas of care

    We have dedicated 12 areas of care to focus on –  covering a wide range of relevant aspects of our lives. If you’re looking for help in one of these areas, please do get in touch and we can direct you to those who may be able to help you in that area.

    Spiritual Life


    Marriage / Relationships

    Child Care


    Career / Employment



    Travel / Immigration

    Consumer / Lifestyle



    The 12 recipients of care

    The above 12 areas would apply to the following recipients in many unique and individual ways


    Cows & Bulls


    Children & Youth






    Other Temple Residents


    Senior Devotees


    Please use the form above and select the areas you wish to discuss – or alternatively contact us as

    The Devotee Care (DC) initiative is a recent initiative of the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC), with an aim to “Embed the Culture of Care” within the devotee communities. In this light, a course has been designed, with the purpose that those who have come to the lotus feet of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada may positively identify themselves with ISKCON as a caring society and thus remain active in Krishna Consciousness till the last movement of their lives.

    Jai Nitai Das (Devotee Care Office Director)

    Bhava Bhakti Devi Dasi (Devotee Care Officer)

    Devotee Care in an international initiative. Visit our global website to see how we may be able to you wherever you are:

    Would you like to book a tour?