Ancient wisdom, modern times

Envisioning Eternity

Envisioning Eternity

An offering by S.B. Keshava Swami, on the occasion of the appearance day of the founder of the International Society for Krishna consciousness, Srila Prabhupada.

Tapping into Transcendence

Tapping into Transcendence

For a person desiring to deepen their personal bhajan, Vrindavan is the place to go. A simple environment combined with the association of saintly people from all varieties of spiritual sects provides a rare opportunity to experience spiritual life from all angles of vision.

Beyond Ordinary

Beyond Ordinary

What happens when introverts or extroverts become devotees? Do they need to change their nature to make tangible spiritual advancement?

Eat, Pray, Love: The Importance of Ekadasi

Eat, Pray, Love: The Importance of Ekadasi

Ekadasi plays a vital role in every devotee’s life. It is observed eleven days after the full moon and eleven days after the new moon of every month. On that day, devotees eat simply, avoiding grains, beans and pulses, and use their time to serve Lord Krishna, chant more japa than usual, and read more devotional literature. They spend more time associating with other devotees at the temple.

Morning Prayers

Morning Prayers

Spare a day in a week, find a free couple of days in a month, or commit yourself for one week in a year when you can come to the morning program at the temple and experience true spiritual happiness in the association of devotees and in the presence of the most beautiful Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda.

The Monks of the Manor

The Monks of the Manor

Although the Manor is very famous for the festivals, not all are aware that many sadhus (holy people) reside in the temple. It is the association with saintly devotees that makes the holy place special, and pilgrimage to the temple complete.

Tune In, Go Deep

Tune In, Go Deep

Bhaktivedanta Manor is truly a sacred place, non-different from Vrindavan. Everything we require to make spiritual perfection is there. If we tune in deeply into spiritual practice, we will experience much more than the eye can perceive.

Be a Monk Challenge

Be a Monk Challenge

Bhakta Vinay shares his memorable experience of the Be a Monk experience at Bhaktivedanta Manor "[It] offered me a rare opportunity to cut myself off from the distractions of everyday life and focus internally through a holistic 7-day experience..."

Simplicity: A Not-So-Simple Concept

Simplicity: A Not-So-Simple Concept

People may associate simple living with minimalism, a current movement that encourages us to avoid overcollecting and conspicuous consumption. However, for Srila Prabhupada, simple living was much more than this, for it was inextricably linked to high thinking.

Reflecting & Moving Forward

Reflecting & Moving Forward

Reflecting on 2022 and moving forward into 2023 as a time to deepen our Krishna consciousness by taking shelter and solace in the holy names of Krishna - as well as celebrating 50 years of Bhaktivedanta Manor.

An ode to the Book Distributors

An ode to the Book Distributors

More than ever, the people of this world need Srila Prabhupada’s teachings. His words and example have helped each one of us, saving us from a life of frustration, improving every aspect of our existence, and giving us true values, direction and hope

Compelling Reality

Compelling Reality

If we can manage to admit the inherent and unavoidable limitations we have, and if we open ourselves to the possibility of truths revealed in bona fide scriptures, we’ve opened the door to a compelling reality.

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity can make us more fulfilled, broader devotees of Krishna. This sort of unity doesn’t mean uniformity and this sort of diversity doesn’t mean fragmentation.

Krishna’s Delightful Mercy

Krishna’s Delightful Mercy

The Sanskrit word for mercy is ‘prasada,’ and Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna movement is internationally famous for a certain aspect of prasada: delectable and variegated vegetarian food that’s been offered to Krishna with love and devotion.

Committed to Krishna

Committed to Krishna

A sannyasi does not act for personal satisfaction. Without self-interest and having no desire for self-satisfaction, his criterion of success is the satisfaction of Krishna.

Proud Block

Proud Block

For a progressive spiritualist, the biggest block is that of pride that somehow needs to be curbed.

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