Radha Govinda Das

Teacher, Mentor

An enterprising young man of many talents, Radha Govinda realized in his early years as a monk that we are in a state of transition. Insights into communication, education and ideas on science and religion are being shared and discussed on a level never seen before.

Increasingly, people are turning to spirituality to access a pleasure and sense of happiness that goes beyond our present limitations. This is what inspired him to develop one of the most innovative and cutting-edge intiatives at School of Bhakti called ‘Krishna Wisdom’.

An initiative designed to help people living a modern lifestyle explore solutions for happiness and a better quality of life by accessing the knowledge of the ancient scriptures known as the Vedas. One of his favourite quotes is

Grass is not greener on the other side. It’s greener where you water it.

Radha Govinda did his Masters in the UK before landing a lucrative job as a Control Systems engineer. Soon he came across the Krishna conscious books and it wasn’t long before he put his burgeoning career on hold to spend a month living and serving at the temple. It turned out to be a long month!! He ended up spending ten years as a monk. During this period, he studied the scriptures, delivered seminars, organised events and retreats for spiritual seekers and travelled around the world sharing what he learnt.

Now he is one of the leaders of School of Bhakti and a major creative force behind some of the innovations that the school has developed in recent times. He is also a qualified yoga teacher, web designer and an accomplished musician. He loves singing kirtan, writing blogs, making friends and sharing the wisdom of bhakti with the world. But arguably his most famous talent is his quick wit and great sense of humour. It really needs to be experienced!
