Gita Life

Gita Life


The Bhagavad Gita is a theological and philosophical classic. In 700 succinct verses, it summarises the conclusions of the Vedas, the ancient scriptures written approximately 5000 years ago in the Sanskrit language. It covers topics ranging from religion to relationships, science to sociology, leadership to lifestyle management: the keys to all aspects of life, the universe, and everything. In every generation, over thousands of years, it has provided unceasing inspiration to thinkers, leaders, and spiritualists alike.

The Gita, however, is best understood in the company of other spiritualists where we can discuss and question everything we read.

This Gita Life course will provide

  • A chapter-by-chapter summary
  • Delineation of pertinent themes from each chapter
  • A plethora of life lessons from this historical epic

The 10 sessions are thought-provoking and interactive. Each class is recorded and the audio and slides are sent out, so even if you cannot attend all 10 sessions in person, you have time to listen and catch up in your own time.

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Date18 Sep – 20 Nov
Duration10 sessions (Wednesdays)
Time8pm – 9.30pm
Event Fee£50
ModeOnline only (Zoom)
TeacherNimaichandra Das

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