ISKCON European Communications

ISKCON European Communications

The recent ISKCON European Communications Seminar in Radadesh, Belgium, was a great opportunity for devotees to associate with each other, learn skills and get inspired by sharing experiences and information. Anuttama das, the ISKCON Global Communication Minister and Mahaprabhu das, who oversees Communications throughout Europe, facilitated the four day event.

Devotees representing the field of Communications from across Europe gave presentations on the latest achievements and discussed related issues in their countries.  Gauri das, Srutidharma das, Pranabandhu das and Radha Mohan das represented Bhaktivedanta Manor, giving reports of the history of the development of the Manor and sharing more recent news and breakthroughs.

Attendees also had the opportunity to visit the new ISKCON premises in Brussels, which is just a 5 minute drive from the European Union buildings. The new ISKCON centre also houses the offices of the Hindu Forum of Europe, of which Mahaprabhu das is the General Secretary.