Representatives for Olivia Harrison spend day at Bhaktivedanta Manor

Representatives for Olivia Harrison spend day at Bhaktivedanta Manor

Representatives for Mrs Olivia Harrison, Rachel Cooper and Rosie Spencer spent a lovely sunny day at Bhaktivedanta Manor exploring its gardens, learning about the Temple and associating with devotees.

Her Grace Visakha dasi and Head Gardiner Narahari Rupa das gave them a tour of the George Harrison Garden, which was naturally of special interest to the guests. Radha Mohan das then joined Narahari Rupa das to give Rachel and Rosie an extensive tour of the whole estate.

Fortunately, Her Grace Malati devi was available to share some of the fascinating stories relating to George Harrison’s first contact with the devotees back in 1968.

Olivia Harrison is the wife of the late George Harrison.