Sanskrit Pronunciation

Sanskrit Pronunciation

Many of the Vedic texts are written in Sanskrit and we’ve had the fortune of them being translated by various teachers. But the Sanskrit language is so beautiful and reciting the texts in Sanskrit has a powerful impact on us. Remembering and chanting Vedic mantras can build the size of our cerebrum and upgrade our critical thinking and mental abilities! So we’re happy to announce that Sriji Sundari Devi Dasi will be facilitating a 3 session course to teach Sanskrit pronunciation. There are no prerequisites for attending – everyone is welcome!

Over 3 sessions, you will:

  • Learn precise & authentic articulation of all Sanskrit sounds, with ample practice, eliminating your native accent from Sanskrit
  • Pronunciation
  • Practice on Sanskrit words & Slokas

You do not need to know how to read or write Sanskrit for this course, as the English Script will be used.

Limited spaces available so sign up quickly before spaces are filled!

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Date28th Apr
5th May
19th May
Duration3 sessions (Sundays)
Time10am – 1pm
Event Fee£39
ModeOnsite at Bhaktivedanta Manor
TeacherSriji Sundari Dasi

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Courses are conducted with the School of Bhakti based at Bhaktivedanta Manor. Click below to book your spot on this course now!

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