Many local seniors come to the famous Bhaktivedanta Manor to take time to enjoy the building and estate, learn about the ‘Hare Krishna philosophy’ and even bond with one another.
Author: Radha Mohan (Radha Mohan)
Interfaith Relations
At the Welwyn Garden City Spiritualist Church, Mahimarnva das conducted a Q and A session where attendees had the opportunity to ask about bhakti, karma, reincarnation and many of other subjects.
Reflections & Gratitude Day
Bhaktivedanta Manor hosted a special day of sharing, reflections and expressions of gratitude for key devotees who joined the Temple full-time between 1978 – 1986.
Glorifying Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad
Devotees from ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor participated in a special event in observance of the 150th anniversary of the birth of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad. The event, hosted by the Gaudiya Mission at the Harrow Leisure Centre, brought together representatives from a number of other Vaishnava organisations who all glorified the great personality....
Women’s Be a Monk Challenge
“We have reached the end of our Women’s Be a Monk marathon, and what a success it was! The amount of incredible feedback we have received has been heartwarming. The interest in these courses has since increased with floods of applications coming in...
Ox-parade and Harvest Celebration
A herd of ox-carts ceremoniously lead a procession from main Bhaktivedanta Manor building to Holland Farm.
Rev’d Canon Will Gibbs from St Albans Cathedral
Bhaktivedanta Manor had the pleasure of hosting Rev'd Canon Will Gibbs, Executive Residentiary Canon of the historical St Albans Cathedral.
Poems on the Path
Two years ago, ashram resident Bhakta David rekindled an interest he had in writing poetry. After his spiritual master told him that he had a talent for writing and he instructed me to keep writing in his spare time, whenever the inspiration comes. The results have led to a collection of poems called Poems On...
Bournemouth Kirtan Festival
Devotees and well-wishers based in the Bournemouth area held an unique event in the area. Godruma das of Bhaktivedanta Manor was invited to host the occasion, which had over 100 participants.
Pujari sanga gathering
Recently the deity department hosted a heartfelt gathering, Pujari Sanga, bringing together over 90 devotees who serve deities in various capacities